One Step to a Better Self-Image

By Chelsea, age 14, Virginia

Every girl in this world seems to have a problem. No one is completely confident with themselves. So what's your particular problem? It's always "a little more of this" or "a little less of that." Whether it's weight, height, skin color, body development, or something else, every girl is insecure. I'm here to tell you Get over it! There's always going to be something wrong with your body. Even top celebrities have something. Tyra Banks and her hips, Jessica Simpson and her acne, and so on. I'm here to help you build a positive self-image.

I'm 14, but I'm still wearing a size 34A bra. I've been teased about my size since 5th grade and it really breaks me down. Yeah, I may laugh along with my friends when they make jokes about it, but inside it really hurts me! I just tell myself that one day I will grow and rub it in their faces. When there's something wrong with you or something you're getting teased about, tell yourself that it will change, no matter how long it takes. It really works. Although you may have to tell yourself that a lot, just stick with it. I also get teased about being so dark skinned. If you have something you cannot change, then why sweat it? That's what's unique about you, and if people can't accept that, then forget them.

Here's what I challenge you to do: After reading this article, I want you to get up and go look in the mirror. Say this out loud: "I am beautiful. I am beautiful, no matter what people say about me." Start saying this to yourself every time you doubt your beauty, or every time you get teased. Do it while you're looking in the mirror, brushing your teeth, doing your hair, or fixing your make-up. If you don't believe it now, after a while you will.

I really want all teenage girls to have a better self-image and confidence. Let me conclude with a little tip ... Guys LOVE a confident girl! I hope this has helped, or in the future will help you with your self-esteem!

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