Music Fuels the Fire

By Ashleigh, age 13, Louisiana

Music influences people. Music helps people get through the tough times in their lives. The breakups, makeups, deaths of loved ones, and everyday dirt. I love music, and I love to listen to the newest songs from the freshest artists of all types when I'm up or down. From rock to pop, country to rap, and reggae to classical, music is one of the center points of our everyday lives.

Here, let me show you. We all have songs we can relate to. Having a bad day? Well, I might recommend Sade. She's a little old school, but still one of the best. With her smooth voice and suave lyrics, she can get you out of any funk and get you ready to face the world for another day. Want to be inspired? I listen to Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful", or Christina Milian's "Believer". These are two awesomely written songs by two lovely and talented singers. The pain of not being confident enough or not thinking that you're beautiful enough shows in the lyrics, and they also tell you how to overcome it. It's hard, but with determination, anything is possible.

Need something to fuel your anger? Listen to "Anxiety" by Black Eyed Peas and Papa Roach, or Fefe Dobson's "Unforgiven". Black Eyed Peas did a great job with "Anxiety", talking about how you just wanna slap somebody, but you won't give into it. The electric guitar in this song is awesome, and it can really get you going. Fefe talks about her father never being there to see who she's become. The lyrics taught me to always remember the small things. What might not be important to you, might be really important to someone else.

You see, music does have a purpose. I hope this article has convinced you that music plays a big part in our lives. There's always a song out there that will suit your mood. Happy, sad, mad, confused, or excited, music will always be there. You could be singing in the shower or blasting your music through the car stereo, and wondering "What's Mariah Carey' new song gonna to be off the Emancipation of Mimi?" or "I really liked Nashville Star last night - I wonder who'll win?" Music fuels the fire to the flames of the general ups and downs of our complex lives.

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