
By Sara V., age 16, New Jersey

Life puts countless obstacles in our way. The fact is there is nothing you can do to alter this situation except to figure out whom and what is really essential.


For example, people are haters. They lie. They cheat. They pretend to care just to get attention. Then they often betray and deceive you. This is how life seems to work. No, it is not fair, but we just have to learn from it, and choose exactly whom we let into our lives.

People are one of the many obstacles we face each day. Our first lesson on this subject began the moment we started to do the things we were not supposed to be doing. It ended somewhere around that time as well. However, even now, there is nothing easy about the task. It is simply trial and error.


Miriam-Webster defines doubt as "uncertainty of belief or opinion that often interferes with decision making." This is roadblock number two in the chain of our thoughts. The human race tends to overthink things. We come up with great ideas, and then we doubt them. I myself have done this many times. This distrust is a wall blocking all the great dreams that will never form or become anything because of it. The list of things which stop us from doing what we believe in is endless. I think the most common and tedious is: We hear someone else's opinion. We think about it. We stop. The dreams that once were ours are now shattered due to the thoughts of others ... and the doubt in our own minds.

Live Fearlessly

To change this we must live fearlessly. We can't count on anyone else to make everything easier. We must follow our own dreams and live our own lives. This is a very difficult thing to do - to not follow others - and it is something that will take strength. However, we must accomplish this in order to live without questioning our existence or that of others.

Live for ourselves. Care for everyone, but ourselves the most. Bravery in my dictionary is another way to say success. Live to be brave. Live for success.

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