Chocolate Lip Balm

By Mary Beth, age 13, from Missouri

This recipe was submitted by a recent Sweet Designs contest winner in appreciation of her prize.

This lip balm is not only tasty and will give you that chocolate fix, but the vitamin E oil is great for soothing chapped lips.

Things you need:

small saucepan
wooden mixing spoon
small spoon
4 small plastic pots with screw tops (craft store)


12 tablespoons cocoa butter
20 chocolate chips
4 vitamin E capsules


Put all the ingredients in the saucepan. Turn the stove to low heat and stir with a spoon until everything is combined. Spoon into plastic pots (or use funnel) and refrigerate until solid.


Smear on your lips and enjoy!

Product will last about a month, but it will melt if left in a hot car or the sun!

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