
By Mayra, age 16, California

Everywhere I go I always end up being stereotyped, misjudged ... mis-everything. A lot of people judge me by the shoes on my feet or the labels on my back. I'm pretty sure almost all of you have been in this situation at some point. Truth is, there are a lot of things you won't find out about a person by one simple glimpse. A person is made up of many more elements than just physical beauty.

I used to try to please everyone just to fit in ... that was until I realized that I was living to please a bunch of people who weren't worth my time. Now I say if they want to be my friends they have to love me, flaws and all.

Today I'm the girl who burst out laughing at some random stupid joke. I'm myself. I'm not afraid of not being liked, of not fitting in. Why would I want to fit in? Why blend in when I can stand out? People who are your friends will love you for who you are no matter how you look or how you appear. The people who take you in are your real friends.

So don't live up to something you don't believe. Don't be afraid to come out of the box. That's what makes you unique and simply beautiful.

I want to share something I wrote the other night:

Don't Care, by Mayra B.

I'm not asking for your acceptance
Nor your contempt
I'm not here to please you
Neither praise you
I'm an individual looking for self acceptance
Looking for the space where I can feel free
Free of the corruption
The self-poisoning
The attempt to satisfy an image below my standards
Call me this
Say I'm that
It won't hurt a bit
Your ignorance
God I pity
For you are losing an opportunity to meet a great human being
Because that is just what I am

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