Are You Smart?

By Ciara, age 13, New Jersey

Are you Smart?

See if you're as cunning and clever as you say you are ...


1) What is it that the more you take, the more you leave behind?

2) Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?

3) In what year did Christmas and New Year's fall in the same year?

4) A woman from New York married ten different men from that city, yet she did not break any laws. None of these men died and she never divorced. How was this possible?

5) How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

6) There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?

7) How much dirt would be in a hole 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide that has been dug with a square edged shovel?

8) If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in another field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field?

9) What goes up and down but does not move?

10) What can go up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up?


1) footsteps
2) Mount Everest
3) every year - New Year's is just in the beginning and Christmas is at the end
4) she was a minister
5) only once - after you subtract 5 from 25 you will have 20
6) incorrectly
7) none - there isn't any dirt in a hole
8) only one, because he combined them together
9) temperature
10) an umbrella

Now count how many you got right!!

1-3 - I think you'd better get some logic ... or were you asleep?
4-6 - You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're getting there.
7-10 - OMG! You're a genius! What did you score on the SAT's?

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