
By Meri, age 13, Georgia

Peer pressure can be found anywhere, particularly in middle and high school. Teenagers today are being pressured to do things they know are not right. One of the biggest pressures in high school is alcohol. To make matters worse, they are driving while drinking it. In 2003, 21 percent of the children under 15 years old killed in motor vehicle accidents died in alcohol related crashes.

A few reasons why teenage girls take their first drink:

1. popularity
2. a better body
3. boyfriends
4. "cool friends"
5. dealing with depression

A few reasons why teenage boys take their first drink:

1. popularity
2. girlfriends
3. control
4. "buff bod"
5. stress

As you can see, both guys and girls suffer the same types of problems. So if you think you're the only one out there with issues, you're wrong.

Many think that alcohol is completely harmless, and if grown-ups can do it, so can we. While adults have significant alcohol problems too, their bodies can handle more, while minors' bodies are still growing.

Besides the possibility of killing somebody or yourself in a car accident, you can also do serious damage to your body and your mind. Alcohol can damage your esophagus, brain, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys, small intestines, pancreas, reproductive system, blood, joints, and muscles. There is a drinking age for a reason. The next time you pick up a drink, think about the damage it can cause for you and everyone around you.

If you know someone who is an underage drinker, please show them this article, and maybe you can make a difference.

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