What My Mother Has Taught Me About Life

By Allison, age 13, Florida

My mother once told me that every child thinks that their mother is the best, that theirs is the one that tops all the others. That may be so, but my mom seems to have something that all of those other mothers don't. The problem is, I've never been able to put my finger on it. Of course, like every other person in the human race, my mom has different qualities, just like the rest of my family. The definition of a role model in the dictionary is someone to look up to as an example to emulate. And, like a lot of other people in the world, my mom is my role model. This article is about what my mother has taught me about life.

Patience should be in great supply. I have a bad temper ... a really bad temper ... I mean, like a blow-up-in-your-face-BOOM kind of temper. My mom, however, is the exact opposite. Instead of yelling or fighting, she pretty much lets the angry person yell themselves out. By the time they're done, either everyone's moved on, or the thing they were mad about has been resolved.

Live. Like any 13 year old girl, I can be embarrassed by mom sometimes, but that doesn't change my admiration for her. I remember one day when we were at the mall. My mother, my sister, and I traipsed around the entire plaza singing about toasters of all things! We had a blast without thinking about what other people thought. Actually we were enjoying the expressions on people's faces! Living isn't so hard to do, after all!

I could fill page after page about the things my mother has taught me over the 13 years of my life. I could rave about my mom's wonderful ability to multitask 50 things at the same time, or how she's kind, gentle, patient, humble and intelligent. I could think of all the times I wondered what I would ever do without her. But I won't. One reason is because it's 11:00 PM on Mothers Day Eve, and I'm tired. The other reason is because I'll tell her in person every day for the rest of my life. Appreciate your mom while you can, and tell her how much you're thankful for her every chance you get.

Oh yeah, Happy Mothers Day, Mom. I love you!

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