On the Cover

By Stephanie Lynn, 22, Massachusetts

Lauren, age 18, from California, is this month's SDM cover. Lauren is an advice columnist for the magazine, and has also designed some awesome MySpace layouts. Lauren's own site LH Layouts basically started as a side thing because she enjoys making layouts and doing graphic design. She said friends often asked her where she got her layouts. When she told them she made her own, they'd ask her to make them one.

Lauren said she applied to Sweet Designs Magazine because it sounded like a fun idea, and thought it would be great to be part of a growing team, plus it was along the lines of things she already did. She added, "So why not join a team of people who like the same thing, so they can help me grow, and I can help others grow as well."

Lauren is a graduating senior this year. Next year at university she plans to double major. She told me she has it narrowed down to two of the following four majors: psychology, law, computer graphics, and computer science.

Working as a camp counselor at a boy scout camp, Lauren is an assistant aquatics director, teaching lifeguarding, swimming, and boating. Her personal interests include aquatics, dancing, web design / computer graphics, and sports.

a layout by Lauren for SD - Butterfly Kisses

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