What Suits You?

By Kayla, age 19, Pennsylvania

This summer's hottest swimsuits

Summer's just around the corner, and that can only mean one thing - it's time to get a hot new swimsuit! But before you head for the nearest store there are a few things you should consider - fit, comfort, price, and style.

The most important thing is fit. You don't have to be a twig to look good in a swimsuit. You want a swimsuit which is going to be flattering to your body type. For those of you with great legs, going with a suit that has high cut legs and lace or ties will draw attention right were it needs to be. If it's your stomach you want to show off, then a cute bikini is the perfect choice. Those of you with a larger chest might be most comfortable in a halter style top - it will give you all the support you need.

Now that you have an idea about what you want, the next step is getting to the store and trying them on. You'll want a swimsuit that is going to feel comfortable. Make sure it's not too small or too big. You wouldn't want to be swimming and lose your top ... or bottom, for that matter! We don't want any embarrassing vacation stories. :o

What are the hottest styles this summer? Here are a few of my top choices. There's one for every person's style, whether you're girly, preppy, or punk. This plaid swimsuit from Target is a great steal and super cute!

This Billabong suit from Pacsun may cost a little more, but the skulls and stars rock!

Dots are very hot this summer, and so is this great bandeau suit from Delias.

Nothing says summer quite like this great aqua hankini from JC Penney.

All right, girls, now that you have all the information you need, let the shopping begin! More importantly, have fun and enjoy your summer!

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