Summer Makeover: Inside & Out

By Allison, age 13, Florida

I love getting haircuts. The idea of being able to change with just a snip of the scissors has always been appealing to me. When I was little (true story!), I cut my Barbie's hair up to her ears, and then proceeded to dye it green. My mom probably thought I was crazy, but I just wanted to give my Barbie a new look.

On most magazine covers, you can see articles promising ways to improve yourself - perfect skin, flat abs, and so on. The key to everything you need to become is right inside those covers ... or so they say.

But not all ways of changing and improving yourself are about looks. Some are about what happens inside. If you want to give yourself a complete makeover for the next school season, first off, make a list of what you would like to change about yourself. This list should not include any impossible things (different eye color, straighter nose, etc..). If you're a little lost, here are some ideas:

Break Bad Habits

This summer I decided I was going to stop biting my nails ... cold turkey. To make sure you don't stray, make a goal you can strive for. If you tell your parents that you've decided to quit a bad habit without any prompting, they'll probably reward you, or at least see you as more mature. At least, let's hope so!

Change Your Attitude

If you had bad grades last school season, maybe you need to improve your state of mind. If you're always thinking negatively of yourself and others, how will you ever motivate yourself to work harder?

Develop a Hobby!

Instead of sitting around moping and being bored, focus on one of the activities you enjoy doing. Studies show that hobbies actually help fight and slow the progression of Alzheimer's Disease. (Source: USA Today)

Make a fresh start this summer by getting organized, having fun, and most of all by being yourself! Remember, it's better improving who you are than getting caught up in who you aren't. Have a great summer, and use sunscreen, chicas!

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