Sunburn Soother

By Ciara, age 13, New Jersey

Now that summer is here, some things are almost inevitable - like fun, laughter, and, of course, sunburn!* If you're one of those people who try to avoid it, but end up acquiring the dreadful pain anyway, then this is for you. It soothes the sunburn, is super-easy to make, and it's inexpensive too!

Yields: Just enough for some mildly sunburned areas
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Note: Keep refrigerated


5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
3 teaspoons of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons of plain yogurt
Optional: a small amount of corn starch if needed to thicken


1. Mix the aloe vera juice and the egg together using a wire whisk or fork. Blend evenly but not until it becomes watery.

2. Mix in the sugar, beating it lightly to dissolve it and incorporate it evenly throughout the mixture. Set aside.

3. In a separate bowl beat the yogurt until it is very thin, then add it to the rest of the ingredients. If the mixture is too runny to spread on the skin and stay without running, add a bit of corn starch to thicken it. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to chill.

4. To use, spread the mixture onto a patch of sunburned skin. Leave on for as long as you like, then rinse with warm water and a soft cloth. Enjoy the naturally cooling sensation on your sunburn!

* An important note from SDM's Fashionistas: Preventing sunburn in the first place by repeated applications of sunblock and/or wearing a hat and clothing that covers your skin will not only avoid a painful sunburn, but also help prevent skin cancer and premature aging. And looking old while you're still young is totally not fashionable!

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