What I've Learned from High School

By Sheen, age 18, West Virginia

- People are hardly ever who they seem to be.

- Stand up for what you believe in, regardless of who's standing with you. Be proud of your beliefs.

- Laugh out loud as much as possible.

- Don't fight over boys. It's stupid, and it only gives them the power to choose whom they want.

- Drama is a huge part of high school. Just don't spend all four years swept up in it.

- Take a lot of pictures.

- Never wonder if it can get any worse, because it always can.

- Every beginning has an end, and every end has a beginning. Cherish both, because you can't have one without the other.

- Best friends are found in the most unlikely places. Friendship knows no age, sex, race, or clique.

- Just because one door closes, it doesn't always mean another one opens. Sometimes you've got to find a window, break it, and climb through.

- Change sucks. No matter who you are ... it sucks!

- You'll get your heart broken. Everyone does. Get over it and move on with your life.

- In the end everything will be okay. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

- Don't worry about things you can't control. You will only waste your time.

- Your high school years will fly faster than you could ever imagine. Take it all in and live each moment to the very last second.

- Have meaningless conversations, but also have meaningful ones.

- Everyone will be friends with you when everything is going just fine. The real surprise - see who runs to your side when you really need someone.

- Don't try to fill anyone else's shoes. You've got your own and they fit just fine.

- Sing, even if it's in the shower or just goofing off. It releases tension.

- Don't spend your time wishing high school was over. It truly is the best four years of your life.

- Don't skip too much school. Take advantage of the opportunity you've been given. Many people don't get the chance to get a proper education.

- Thank your teachers.

- Don't be mean to people. You never know what they may be going through.

- Take chances. You'll regret more of what you didn't do than the things you did do.

- Respect your elders. A lot of adults have this crazy notion that our generation is nothing but disrespectful punks. Try your best to prove them wrong - hold a door open, say "please" and "thank you", smile, and don't act like they're bothering you when they talk to you.

- The future is scary ... but that's what makes it exciting.

- You will learn something from just about everyone who crosses your path, whether they are your best friend or your enemy, or even if you only knew them for a brief amount of time.

- Bad things are bound to come your way. They only help you to appreciate the good.

- Just because you don't see someone as much as you used to, that doesn't mean they love you any less.

- Don't get mad at someone just because your friend is mad at them. They'll be friends next week and you'll look like an idiot for getting involved in something that didn't concern you.

- Do one thing every day that scares you. You should seriously try it. Even the smallest things can teach you something you never knew about yourself.

- Tell people how you feel about them. You never know when they'll leave you.

- There are two sides to every story.

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