Totally Totes

By Alexis, age 14, Pennsylvania

What's better than having the perfect tote to carry all your stuff to the beach? Umm ... the guys at the beach? Well, yeah, that's true, but you totally need to have the perfect tote to carry all your beachy stuff ... especially when you make your entrance. You need the perfect color or design.

It doesn't really matter if it's a really expensive tote like from Juicy Couture. And it totally doesn't matter if you make it yourself. As long as you have a nice outfit ... and a cute tote ... then you'll definitely get a lot of nice compliments.

Knowing me ... I would spend $100-300 on a purse that I'm just going to ruin anyway. So I would get one from somewhere cheap. Even if it is inexpensive, it can still look good, hunny!

'Kay, well, I'm leaving you on your own now.

♥ LexiJay

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