I've Learned a Lot This Year

by Lesty, age 14, Texas

I have learned a lot this year. I've learned that if you play with a player you'll end up played. A guy will sweet talk you, and it'll make you feel so good, until you realize he is telling like 10 other girls the same thing. I've learned that if you waste your time pretending to be something you're not you miss out on what you could be. If you let every bad thing that happens to you cut you deep, you'll end up a miserable person. I've learned that I need to just have fun and to stop taking life too seriously. I mean, it's not like anyone ever makes it out alive anyway, so you might as well act a fool while you can :P

I changed to make myself happy, and I feel a lot better =] I am a lot less insecure, and I am trying to stop being shy around guys. I mean, how attractive is that?? I need to step up and show that I am the real deal.

I've also learned that sometimes people just aren't going to like me, but those people don't matter because as long as I have the ones I need in life I will be just fine. I've learned what a best friend should be like :] thanks to Lauren. No one can understand me like she does. It's kinda insane.

I've also learned to accept the fact that I will never be a size one. I need to accept myself the way I am, as hard as it may be for me. For some reason I have became brutally honest. I won't hold my tongue anymore. I will say whatever is on my mind, and if you don't like that, well, too bad. :D

I am not afraid of anything or anyone anymore. I dare someone to try and break me. Come on kids ... I'm waiting. :D

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